Cooperation between UNISP and the Minnesota State University, Mankato, USA
Dr. Stephen J. Stoynoff, Dean of Intenational Affairs at Minnesota State University, Mankato paid a visit to the University of Ferrara coordinated by UNISP-USA and UNISP-Italy. The aim of the visit was to evaluate the means of cooperation between the two institutions and to plan out some activities for the near future. The visit was hilarious and will definately bear fruit. Below are some steps of the visit in pitures.
Stephen J. Stoynoff, Dean of Intenational Affairs at Minnesota State University; Eleonora Luppi, Head of Cooperation of the University of Ferrara.
Manfo Zangmo, Leader of UNISP

With Dr. Jonas Kemkia and Dr. Narcisse Nsame (respectively coordinator of the research and coordinator and the cultural affairs of UNISP-Italy).
Visit of the office of UNISP-Ferrara and campus tour of the University of Ferrara.