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UNISP et la Minnesota State University, Mankato ensemble

22 Ott. 2021: Le staff de UNISP a eu le plaisir de participer à une réflexion très enrichissante avec le Recteur & Vice President Minnesota State University, Mankato (U. S. A.), Brian Martensen, le responsable de la direction des affaires internationales , Anne Dahlman - avec les responsables internationaux de UNISP en charge de Éducation, Jonas Kemkia, et technologie & innovation, Patrick Manfo.
UNISP et Minnesota State University, Mankato (U.S.A), continueront de mutualiser leurs forces pour participer au processus de développement en Afrique Centrale dans les domaines de l’Education, de la technologie, de la recherche et de l'Innovation.
The UNISP Staff had the pleasure and honor to participate to a very enriching reflection with the Provost & Senior Vice President of Minnesota State University, Mankato, Brian Martensen and the Associate Provost & Dean of Global Education, Anne Dahlman - with the International responsibles of UNISP in charge of Education, Jonas Kemkia, and technology & innovation,Patrick Manfo.
UNISP and Minnesota State University, Mankato will continue to mutuallise their strengths to participate in the development process of Central Africa in the domains of education, technology, research and innovation.
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link Visit Dean of Intenational Affairs at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Dr. Stephen J. Stoynoff
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